Build your Mailing List with Downloads

Build your Mailing List with Downloads

Mailing lists are the veins of your online business. The old adage "money is on the list" might not be true - if you have a list of targeted prospects to contact every time you have a new product, you will be able to save a lot of effort by marketing it to your list of targeted prospects.

You can really build a list of targeted prospects who are interested in your product by offering relevant downloads on your website. For example, let's look at a very good example - When you download the free iTunes and Quicktime software from their site, they will ask you to fill in an optional name and email form so that they can send you offers of songs that you can buy through - guess where - iTunes!
In fact, you don't need to offer "heavyweight" downloads like full-featured software like iTunes. You can attract prospects as well as some quality freebies such as simple reports, free wallpapers, and so on. The important thing is your download offers enough value for potential customers to be willing to provide their own email address to get it.

However, slapping a simple download and putting a link on your website will not be enough to attract quality prospects. You have to do some homework so that your lead-producing mechanism works well for you.

First of all, you should clearly put your download form on your website. Preferably, offer a page for it and link to it from every other page of your website. That way, your visitors may not be able to find the download page, and when they do, you will get some of them converted into your prospects!
You should also try to promote your download. Explain and describe download values, and why your visitors should download them. You might be thinking why would anyone want to continue with a freebie, but most of your visitors will be too lazy to download it because most of their downloads just sit on a hard drive collecting virtual dust. Therefore it is important to show your visitors why they should download your freebie.

Tags : Design
Keywords : Build your Mailing List with Downloads

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